Saturday, December 10, 2011

Moments of bliss

How long can I get away with this?  I just returned from teaching my yoga class this morning, highly uplifted and joyful.  Nine peaceful, beautiful souls graced my presence while I led them through Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby), Virabhadrasana I (Warrior 1), and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), which I affectionately call “checking out my pedicure pose”, to name a few.  I met an angel this morning, her name was Mary and for some reason, most likely because we are in the Christmas season, I just felt angelic super power near her mat.  Afterward she gave me her business card and she does have a cross behind her name; so, yes I am convinced she’s an angel!  (No pressure there Mary) ;-)  She said she wanted to bottle me and take me home, what a lovely compliment.  I ran into several others I now call my friends.  We greet and say goodbye to each other with hugs and joy and love and kindness and I think to myself, “Wow if only everyone had this in their lives”.  Think what a powerful impact this could have on our families, our communities; our world if everyone did some yoga. 

I’m nestled down in my favorite, cozy chair in front of the fire with some hot chocolate topped with snowman marshmallows (shhh, don’t tell!) while my angelic baby girl rests in the room next door and the rest of my family is out ice fishing where I can watch them from afar.  I’m experiencing a moment of bliss as we say in the yoga world.  We all experience them, but yoga has this profound ability to help us to pause and notice them, take them into account, give thanks for these blessings; these moments of bliss. 

In the spirit of the season of giving and wishing to add more goodness and kindness to one another’s lives.  Mention you read this blog post, bring a new friend into our ever growing yoga community to one of my classes and their class is free.  Spread the love and wealth this healing practice has to offer with someone you cherish.  I teach 2nd & 4th Saturday’s but check Facebook just to make sure there are no changes in the schedule.  Just to clarify, this would only be good for new Yoga Bemidji students with another paid student and for a class with Julie.  No need to print anything out, save our forests, just mention this.

With love…. the divine in me honors the divine in you.  Namaste!


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