Sunday, September 4, 2011

Practicing Patience is certainly not perfect

After having my second child recently, my patience has certainly been tested lately...dealing with the crying, the pains and trials of nursing, keeping up with my very spirited 2 year old, letting my body heal, and somehow trying to love this body.  All of these stressors are out of my control, learning how to deal with them without creating stress to my body, mind and spirit is my choice.  This is where I try to come back to my breath.  Learning to breathe fully and slow down my constantly spinning, hamster wheel of a mind is such a blessing!  I recently discovered closing off my ears while doing Ujjayi or oceanic breathing is such an amazing relaxer.

Ujjayi is a diaphragmatic breath, which first fills the lower belly (activating the first and second chakras), rises to the lower rib cage (the third and fourth chakras), and finally moves into the upper chest and throat.  Inhalation and exhalation are both done through the nose. The "ocean sound" is created by closing off the back of the throat with the mouth closed as air passes in and out. As the throat passage is narrowed so, too, is the airway, the passage of air through which creates a "rushing" sound. The length and speed of the breath is controlled by the diaphragm, the strengthening of which is, in part, the purpose of ujjayi. The inhalations and exhalations are equal in duration, and are controlled in a manner that causes no distress to the practitioner.  Don't try this if you're having cold or sinus symptoms as it may aggitate the situation.

I hope this helps you slow down for a moment and Breathe! 

May you be Happy, may you be Healthy, may you know Peace!


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