Monday, September 12, 2011


Inspiration...where does it come from?  And where can we find it?
Yesterday I was blessed to part of the 2011 Bemidji Women's Expo as an exhibitor for Yoga Bemidji. I met a woman who said she had been reading my blog, and also mentioned I haven't been keeping up with it since having my baby. This along with the hundreds of faces I saw, and many people I connected with, having a passion for yoga in our community was an inspiration to me and a rekindling of getting back to teaching and getting back to writing.

In perusing the paper this morning on the 10th anniversary of tragedies of September 11th, 2001, I was inspired by the stories of those who had the courage to deal with their grief and move on to do meaningful things.  One woman started a charity in her husband's honor to help disadvantaged kids through flight training.

I was blessed to meet a woman this morning that had 5 foster girls with her, all sisters.  The youngest was 5 weeks old.  She could tell by the puzzled look on my face I had questions.  I didn’t ask, but she offered up that there was a drug problem with the mother and the new baby tested positive for drugs at the hospital and was put into foster care at just 4 days old.  Despite watching this helpless little baby go through detox, she still has love and compassion in her heart for the mother and hopes the children will be able to go back with her one day.  Wow, I say!  Perhaps I’m too primal, too much of a protective mommy; but I found this foster mom so moving because the level of selflessness she shows is truly inspiring.

My kids, everyday inspire me.  Their innocence, their ability to forgive and forget almost immediately, their amazing honesty and their never ending love for me makes me strive to not only be a better parent, but a better human being.

If you are lacking inspiration lately, look around you.  Make a connection, start a conversation with a stranger.  Listen to the words of a meaningful song.  Read or watch something poignant, it just may put a smile on your face and warmth in your heart.

Namaste (the joy in me, honors the joy in you),


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